Get Ready... Get SET!
Free Retirement Planning - No Fees, No Obligations, No Worries
"I want everyone to know why I started a retirement business and why I offer free retirement planning. Quite simply, I genuinely want to help people. I will take the time, and do the hard work, to make a positive difference in my client's life."
-Mark Gillett, CRPC
SET Founder & CEO
SET Building Blocks
Each of the 3 letters in our company's name stands for a primary building block for a successful retirement.

Saving money for retirement is the first of three building blocks to a successful retirement plan. Additionally, there are some Income Products that actually help contribute to your savings.

There are many options for receiving earnings on the retirement savings. So the options best for you depend upon your risk tolerance and your desired level of ongoing participation.

As good citizens, we must all pay taxes. But, as smart citizens, we should utilize special provisions within the tax law. As a result, we get to keep more of our retirement savings and earnings.
Free Retirement Planning
SET Retirement Planning Solutions offers FREE retirement planning. There is no set fee, or a charge by the hour. Each client enjoys their own online account, where all details of their retirement plan are captured and viewable 24 hours a day. They can also update their plan as their specific plan details change or life circumstances dictate a modification. Of course, all plan information is stored, encrypted and secured by a third-party organization that specializes in retirement data.
Retirement Planning - Why?
There is a good story that illustrates why everyone should have a plan for retirement. It goes something like this:
There was a married couple taking a drive to a vacation resort in their brand-new sports car. As they got within 100 miles of the resort, their gas gauge showed only 100 miles until empty. To conserve gas, they slowed down, turned off the A/C, and continued on with great concern. They kept their eyes on the gas gauge and the road mile markers, constantly worried about running out of gas before reaching their destination.
Upon checking in at the resort, a receptionist asked the couple if they had enjoyed their ride to the resort. The couple told of the gas situation, and how it did not allow them to focus on anything else but the gas gauge and the road mile markers. The couple asked why the receptionist had inquired about their ride. The receptionist then explained that the last 100 miles of their ride was considered to be the most beautiful stretch of road in all of the United States, and that she felt sad the couple had missed out on such a great experience.
Having a good retirement plan in place means you can fully enjoy the ride of your retirement, without worrying about running out of money before the ride has ended.
Retirement Planning - What?
A retirement plan has at least five recommended key elements. They appear below with a brief description. To remember them, just remember that when you make a plan for retirement, you make "A WISH" (the first letters of each element).
A - Annuity Product - Insurance contract providing retirement income, which can protect against out-living your retirement funds.
W - Wealth Management - Growth of retirement savings through investments in stocks, bonds, etc. primarily before retirement.
I - IUL Product - A specific type of Life Insurance with cash value to borrow against (potentially tax free) for retirement income.
S - Social Security - A retirement program controlled by the U.S. government, which uses an income tax collected over 35 years.
H - Health Insurance - Medical, dental, vision/hearing, and extended care insurance for retirees and those with special needs.
Retirement Planning - When?
One reason why people put off retirement planning is that they find it overwhelming. First of all, there are so many financial options available. Also, the total number of companies offering those options is numerous. Wouldn't it be better if people could talk with experienced professionals that would listen and help select the options and companies best suited? SET Retirement Planning Solutions does exactly this.
Everyone has a different view of retirement. We talk with our clients to understand their retirement time frame, work status, financial goals, etc. Additionally, if they already have a plan, we review it with them, and then suggest any changes to better achieve their view of retirement.
Although it is never too late to create your retirement plan, the sooner you have a plan, the longer you have to execute it. Having your plan in place by at least age 55 is important because some very good Income Products for retirement income have a 12-year maturity period. However, if you are over 55? No problem. Many options are also available for you. Whatever your age, let us help you with your retirement plan.
5-Step Process to a Retirement Financial Plan
SET Retirement Planning Solutions utilizes a simple 5-step process to develop a detailed Retirement Financial Plan (RFP) and produce a subsequent RFP Report for our clients. A powerful online retirement planning platform developed by RightCapital is key to the plan development. Specifically, this secure platform is the repository for all client information and provides a wealth of retirement functionality. Moreover, each client has a user login to upload data, follow plan development, try "what-if" scenarios, and track future progress of their retirement plan.
It's Time to Get Ready... Get SET!
We provide free retirement planning help with no fees and no obligation to buy anything. So, what do you have to lose?